Dr.Stephen Ladyman MP was recently online and he answered our question on autism in the Big Conversation series.
Q: The Autism Awareness Campaign UK are calling for the 'personalisation' of public services for all people with
autism and asperger's syndrome in our country - will you back this call?
Stephen Ladyman:
Autism has long been one of my interests even before I became a minister (my portfolio includes
autism now).
People often write to me and ask if I support the All Party Groups Manifesto for Autism and I have to
remind them that I helped write it when I was chair of the APPGA. As minister I remain committed to driving forward the improvement
in services for people with autism and I was heartened to read the APPGA annual report back on the manifesto and see their
acknowledgement that we are moving forward in lots of areas.
As to your question ... all care services should become
person centred and the new 'vision' for adult social care will have much to say on this. The NSF for Children which will use
autism as an examplar will also have much in it that I think will encourage you.